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Informazioni utili per i romeni che vivono in Italia, per conoscere le opportunità che la realtà circostante offre e divenire cittadini attivi.

Comunitatea Românească în Italia

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domenica 14 settembre 2014

Progetto Sve nella capitale Romena sull'infanzia. 3 volontari per progetto già approvato.

Venerdì 12 Settembre 2014

Per conto di un nostro consolidato partner romeno stiamo cercando 3 volontari interessati ad un progetto del Servizio Volontario Europeo che avrá luogo nella capitale della Romania, Bucarest, e nel villaggio di Panatau. In questo secondo caso possono essere comunque previste giornate a Bucarest, dove ha sede AMURTEL, l'Organizzazione Coordinatrice del progetto.

Il progetto é unico, ma le sedi sono appunto due, entrambe scuole materne e dopo-scuola per bambini disagiati o con lievi problemi di disabilitá. Due volontari opereranno a Bucarest (due italiani), tre a Panatau (1 italiano, 1 spagnolo e 1 portoghese), ma vi saranno occasioni in cui i 5 volontari previsti dal progetto lavoreranno insieme.

Temi principali di questo progetto dal titolo "Whispering to Wild Horses" sono infanzia ed educazione, con particolare attenzione al metodo formativo olistico neoumanistico. A questo proposito, i volontari riceveranno in loco un breve training sul metodo olistico e come applicare all'educazione infantile arte e yoga, tra le altre cose.
Inoltre, i volontari avranno modo di cooperare all'interno dell'associazione AMURTEL e di imparare come si lavora nell'ambito del project management.

Infine, i volontari potrebbero essere coinvolti anche in progetti dedicati all'ecologia e alla puericultura e avranno modo di seguire un corso di yoga.

Il progetto, della durata di 1 anno, partirá ad inizio ottobre 2014.
Si tratta di un progetto GIÁ APPROVATO e finanziato, quindi i candidati selezionati avranno la certezza di partire.

Possono candidarsi tutti i giovani dai 18 ai 30 anni, ma saranno privilegiati i ragazzi e le ragazze SENZA LAVORO da almeno un anno e, in genere, i candidati considerati giovani con minori opportunitá ("fewer opportunities") in uno dei seguenti campi: economico, sociale, fisico, culturale, geografico, medico secondo le direttive qui riportate (scrivere nel questionario a quali categorie si appartiene):

Se, quindi, siete disoccupati di lungo corso o avete difficoltá economiche oppure avete problemi fisici o, ancora, provenite da famiglie divise o da etnie differenti oppure se vivete su un'isola o in centri rurali o piccoli centri isolati oppure avete problemi di salute sarete privilegiati per questo progetto in quanto considerati "giovani con minori opportunitá", appunto.
Nel questionario troverete una domanda dedicata a questo argomento.

Come sempre per lo SVE (18 - 30 anni) targato Erasmus+, il viaggio A/R é almeno in parte coperto (leggere pag. 78 della Guida a Erasmus+:, mentre vitto e alloggio sono pagati in toto, cosí come l'assicurazione ed un corso base della lingua locale. Previsto anche un pocket money mensile (leggere pag. 83 della Guida a Erasmus di cui sopra).
Pocket money per questo progetto in Romania: 60 euro al mese.

Se interessati, inviateci CV in inglese, questionario in inglese in allegato ed una vostra foto a parte (NON tipo fototessera) attraverso il form sottostante

Se avete problemi con il form inviate tutto a infosve(at)scambieuropei(punto)com inserendo in oggetto l'oggetto che trovate nel form entro il 19 settembre 2014

Nella parte motivazionale del questionario spiegate bene perché volete fare l'EVS (European Voluntary Service), perché vorreste fare volontariato all'estero, quali sono i motivi che vi spingono a far domanda per QUESTO PROGETTO IN PARTICOLARE, cosa pensate di imparare da questa esperienza, cosa credete di poter dare come contributo all'Organizzazione Ospitante e perché sareste il candidato ideale. Inutile scrivere risposte e motivazioni di poche righe e dove non sono specificate dettagliatamente le ragioni che vi spingono a far domanda per questo progetto (EVITANDO di dire semplicemente che si vuole lasciare l'Italia e/o che si vuole vivere nel Paese ospitante): senza forti motivazioni la HO non vi prenderebbe in considerazione, quindi fate attenzione. Risposte generali e senza le specifiche motivazioni per la partecipazione a questo particolare progetto NON saranno prese in considerazione. Fatevi aiutare dalla descrizione del progetto quando scrivete le vostre motivazioni per il singolo progetto.

ATTENZIONE: Rispondete in maniera completa ed esaustiva a tutte le domande dell'application form. In caso contrario, la vostra domanda non sarà presa in considerazione in quanto carente di motivazioni.

Solo le candidature COMPLETE saranno prese in considerazione.
Ricordate di indicare il codice del progetto e la dicitura "Sending Organisation Scambieuropei" nell'oggetto dell'e-mail.

- cv in inglese
- questionario da compilare in inglese
- 1 foto (NON tipo fototessera, bensí spontanea)

I progetti di Scambieuropei sono riservati ai soci dell'Associazione. Qui le informazioni sul tesseramento 2014 (vale sino a fine dicembre 2014 per tutti i programmi supportati da Scambieuropei):

Di seguito la descrizione completa del progetto ed il link alla descrizione dell'Organizzazione Ospitante.
Da leggere con attenzione prima di compilare il questionario.

Project code / EVS accreditation number: 2012-RO-29
Project title: "Whispering to Wild Horses"
Hosting Organisation: Asociatia de ajutor AMURTEL Romania
Sending Organisation: Associazione Scambieuropei
Project dates: 01.10.2014 – 30.09.2015
Location: Bucharest (Romania)
Themes: Children, Art and culture, Anti-discrimination
Host Organisation description:

Our aims are to improve the quality of life for those at risk of social exclusion, with a special focus on women and children, and to assist the victims of natural and man-made disasters. We believe that the best assistence is that which encourages and enables people to develop themselves, and therefore we emphasize educational programs, and programs that lead towards socio-economic indepedence. We apply principles of Neohumanist education (creativity, ecological awareness, positive thinking) in all of our educational projects with children and youth.
Main ongoing projects include:
- "Gradinita Rasarit” ("Sunrise"): 2 alternative Neohumanist kindergartens promoting inclusive education of children with special needs, ecological awareness, creativity, building self esteem and emotional intelligence.
- "Izvorul Sperantei" ("Fountain of Hope)”: an afterschool center serving 25 disadvantaged primary school children from the rural village of Panatau. Children receive a hot meal, help with homework and extracurricular activities. In the summer, a self-run club for youth will be held in the center.
- "Familia AMURTEL" ("AMURTEL Family"): an alternative residential placement center for 18 abandoned children in the rural village of Panatau

The goal of this project will be to provide volunteers with personal development opportunities and practical skills needed to connect effectively and empathetically with children across language and cultural barriers, while sharing talents that help the children express and control their energy in constructive ways. The metaphor of the horse whisperer has been chosen for the project’s title, as a horse whisperer is someone who has an intuitive ability to connect with wild horses and to tame them with love and understanding so that the horse can be harnessed by a rider.
Some volunteers will work in Fountain of Hope After School Center, the others in Gradinita Rasarit/Sunrise Kindergarten

The main role of the volunteers on a daily basis in the projects is as an enrichment assistant, providing extra educational activities for the children in our educational projects in coordination with the main educational staff. Volunteers will be trained in providing creative enrichment activities according to their abilities to the children of the Fountain of Hope After School Center and the Gradinita Rasarit Kindergarten.
In recent years, we have observed in the children we work with, an increase in difficulties with concentration, hyperactivity and underdeveloped social skills that result in chaotic play, aggressivity, lack of empathy and other challenging behaviors. From a neurological standpoint, these behaviors often indicate that a child is dysregulated, having surpassed his ability to integrate stimulation within a manageable threshold. As it takes a regulated adult to help a dysregulated child return to a regulated state, our “horse whisperer” volunteers will first learn to tame and calm their own internal “wild horses” by being introduced to stress management techniques based on breathing exercises, positive thinking, reframing, conflict resolution and yoga and meditation techniques. They will also be encouraged to discover and express talents so that they can find ways to redirect the children’s “wild” energy with fun, non-formal education techniques. They will the share this experience with the children so that they can also become “horse whisperers” as well and control their own “wild horses”. They will also have opportunities to learn progressive, holistic education techniques and practical organizing skills that will enhance their employability in the fields of social services, education or NGO work.

The specific objectives for the volunteers are:
1. To identify personal talents and interests that are then structured into thematic extracurricular learning projects, artistic and sports activities for the children
2. To provide volunteers with personal development tools as well as holistic innovative holistic education techniques from Neohumanist education through interactive workshops that cover topics such as yoga, communication, language acquisition with children, cooperative games, outdoor education, diversity training,
3. To stimulate local community participation and volunteer spirit by involving children in designing and implementing active citizenship initiatives for their community
4. To develop their own and children’s life skills and cooperative skills through outdoor experiential adventures and other games and practical activities with the children
5. To provide volunteers with career building skills including professional management skills and experience in designing and implementing projects with the children, including project design, budgeting, lesson planning, evaluation and reporting.

At least one of the selected volunteer needs to be a young person with fewer opportunties (

This project will particularly work on helping the unemployed volunteers to gain professional experience in their fields of study both through seminars we offer and the practical experiences gained during the service. The mentor will also help to support career development by identifying talents, interests and existing strengths when creating the learning plan, and finding ways to best put these into action during the service.

Besides personal mentorship, volunteers will receive training and experience in Neohumanist Education, children's yoga, project management, cooperative games, outdoor education, diversity education, working with children with special needs or trauma histories and Romanian language.

AMURTEL will be selecting in total 3 participants from Italy, 1 from Spain and 1 from Portugal, for a total of 5 volunteers. In Bucharest we would prefer to host 2 volunteers that speak the same language (so 2 Italian candidates) as younger children may otherwise get confused from too many languages being introduced simultaneously. The Fountain of Hope will have a more diverse team with one Italian, one Portuguese and one Spanish volunteer.
Though AMURTEL does not require any educational qualifications, experience in working with children, or within NGOs is valued, and the profile of an ideal candidate includes:
− strong interest in working with children
− good working knowledge of English
− basic computer literacy and social networking skills
− sense of community service
− interest in yoga, personal development or ecological lifestyle
− sense of responsibility
− willingness to learn
− clean police conduct certificate
Particular assets that we value are include:
− creative and / or artistic skills
− sports skills
− entrepreneurial skills or strong interest
− interest or experience in organic gardening or permaculture
− experience (volunteer, professional) or background in social work
− experience in working with children
− experience in yoga or meditation
− interest in healthy lifestyle
− vegetarian / non-smoking

In Panatau, the volunteers working at the afterschool will will stay in the “Bucur Obor” house, rented by the association within walking distance of the Familia AMURTEL home, so no public transportation is needed there, except for when travelling to Bucharest for EVS project work. In Bucharest the volunteers will live in an apartment owned by the association, sharing a room with a maximum of one other volunteer. They will take breakfast and lunch at the kindergarten during the weekdays, but receive a food allowance to cover meals in the evenings and weekends. They will receive a monthly public transportation subscription for the bus and metro to be able to travel between the kindergarten and the apartment..
The volunteers staying in Panatau will eat breakfast and dinners at Familia AMURTEL or at home depending on preferences and lunch at the Fountain of Hope during the weekdays. They will receive a food allowance for extra personal food items besides those served collectively. The food served in both the kindergartens and the Fountain of Hope is lacto-vegetarian, and volunteers are informed and express consent to this condition during the interview process, though of course they are free to eat other food outside of the projects. They will have access to wireless internet in both the Fountain of Hope and Familia AMURTEL, can use Skype, and will have an allowance for mobile phone credit

Fonte: Scambi europei

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